Add-On Classes

    • Jazz Playground

      Thursday 5:30-7:30 pm FREE 2-hour class with Erin Morris!

      Join this class to focus on call and response, improvisation, and choreography- a grab bag to start the weekend with a tool kit and an open mind!

    • Beginner Solo Jazz

      Thursday 8:00-9:00 pm
      FREE beginner class with Elze Visnevskyte!

      Not sure where to begin when it comes to solo jazz? Join Elze for this free class to kick off the weekend.

    • Beginning Swing Dance!

      Thursday 8:00-8:45 pm
      FREE beginner class with Robin Carlson and Jerry Foote!

      This class is an excellent place to start for those who want to come out and see what swing dancing is all about! The Thursday night dance will be open to anyone and everyone- even if they aren’t attending Lindyfest.

    • Beginner Balboa

      Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm
      with Ursula Hicks and Jeron Tuell $15

      Learn the basics and beyond of Balboa in this one-hour class with Ursula Hicks and Jeron Tuell!

    • Solo Jazz Choreo

      Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm and 4:45-5:45 pm with Caleb Teicher $30

      Caleb Teicher will lead a mini choreography during this two-hour class featuring classic moves and unique rhythms. This class will be all-level friendly.

    • Collegiate Shag Jams

      Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm and 4:45-5:45 pm
      with Amanda Pincock and Zach Lockett-Streiff $30

      Are you hesitating to jump into a jam circle and show off your shag dancing? Join Amanda and Zach to learn a few fun move combos and flashy styling in this special jam class.

      You must be at a level in Collegiate Shag where you are comfortable social dancing a full song. If not, there is a beginner shag class on Sunday!

    • Switching up your Style

      4:45-5:45 pm and 6:00-7:00 pm
      with Irina Amzashvili and Anthony Chen $30 This class will be an in-depth dive into switching roles within a social dance. You must have some knowledge of both leading and following in order to take this class.

    • Finding your Style in Balboa
      Saturday 4:45-5:45 pm and 6:00-7:00 pm
      with Hannah Manning and Jonathan Ng $30

      If you’re ready to find your voice in Balboa, this is the class for you! Hannah and Jonathan will focus on how to add personality and create your own stylings in this fun and fast-paced dance.

      You must be at a level in Balboa where you are comfortable social dancing a full song. If not, there is a beginner Balboa class for you to take.

    • How to teach a drop-in class

      Saturday 6-7 pm with Naomi Uyama and Peter Strom $15

      Are you teaching a drop-in class and would like to refresh your approach? Maybe you are interested in starting up a new drop-in class in your city and aren’t sure where to begin. This class will focus on how to capture people’s attention and give them all the right information to jump on the floor and start dancing on the same night.

      Any level swing dance teacher is welcome to attend this class.

    • Swinging Rhythms

      Saturday 6-7 pm with Nathan Bugh $15

      Listen to music examples, learn about and discuss meter concepts that define swing-dance music: “the big four” and “son clave,” with brief dance practice at the end of the hour.

      Goals for students: understand what gives swing music it’s phrasing, understand why our dance steps begin on count 8, learn more about the development of swing music, and access enriched listening experiences.

    • Introduction to Carolina Shag

      Sunday 2:30-3:30 pm
      with Todd Yannacone and Hannah Manning $15

      We are excited to bring back an intro class to this fun dance style! Get ready for some smooth footwork and beach music in this intro class.

    • Movement Quality

      Sunday 2:30-3:30 pm with Erin Morris $15

      In this special add-on taught by Erin Morris, you’ll get to practice many modes and motivations for movement. Learn to harness energy, effort, space, shapes, and rhythms in service of your personal expression.

    • Improvisation Workshop

      Sunday 2:30-3:30 pm with Caleb Teicher and Nathan Bugh $15

      In this all-level class, Caleb and Nathan will walk through their approach to improvising with each other and the music.

    • Full Body Movement in Jazz

      Sunday 3:35-4:35 pm with Elze Visnevskyte $15

      Wrap up your weekend with this full body movement class with Elze! Find ways to involve your entire body in everything you do in this one hour add-on class.

    • Beginner Collegiate Shag

      Sunday 3:35-4:35 pm
      with Amanda Pincock and Zach Lockett-Streiff $15

      Learn the basics and beyond of Collegiate Shag in this one-hour class with Austin’s very own Amanda Pincock and Zach Lockett-Streiff!

    • Styling with Connection

      Sunday 3:35-4:35 pm
      with Caleb Teicher and Nathan Bugh $15

      Spend this add-on hour finding new ways to create different styles in your dancing without sacrificing your connection with the music and your partner.

    • Jams and Steals

      Sunday 3:35-4:35 pm
      with AJ Howard and Laura Glaess! $15

      This is an all-level class that will focus on etiquette and stylings for jam circles and steal dances!